Civil disobedience is a form of political protest where individuals intentionally violate laws to address perceived injustices and convey their discontent to the government, media, and public. This can involve overt, public acts aimed at opposing unjust or unconstitutional laws and policies, and may include breaking unrelated laws to bring attention to the cause. The concept of civil disobedience was popularized by American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau in his essay “Civil Disobedience,” first published in 1849. Thoreau argued that individuals should prioritize their conscience over compliance with unjust laws, asserting that passive submission to government authority enables injustice. His essay has had a significant impact on political thought and activism, influencing figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Could it be that Thoreau was just another historic Anarchist/Voluntaryist? Or was he something more? Was he a patriarch of the movement?