“It would seem
indeed as
though the
power of the
thunder god,
symbolized by
his hammer,
extended over
all that had to
do with the well-
being of the
community. It
covered birth,
marriage, and
death, burial, and cremation ceremonies, weapons
and feasting, traveling, land-taking, and the mak-
ing of oaths between men. The famous weapon of
Thor was not only the symbol of the destructive
power of the storm, and of fire from heaven, but
also a protection against the forces of evil and
violence. Without it Asgard could no longer
be guarded against the giants, and men
relied on it also to give security and
to support the rule of LAW.”
- Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson, Ibid. p. 83-84.

According to folklore of the Nordic tradition, the hammer, Mjölnir, is an important, if not the most important, element of their culture. Obviously, the stories of the thunder god make for a good cinematic production. They oftentimes portray a heroic god who flies around in the skies wreaking havoc with his powerful hammer together with his adopted brother-god – the trickster. When he uses the hammer, there will be lightning, thunder, and storms; which are perfect ingredients for a modern-day blockbuster. Hollywood, indeed, has its ways of keeping one busy. However, what is the true meaning of this hammer? What is the gist of it? What is the true essence of these stories?

We look at these stories only from the eyes of entertainment, without realizing that in every myth, in every culture, the truth is oftentimes openly hidden in the tales told to the young, in order to teach them morals.

Therein, as the bard would tell us, lies the rub.

Because we see these stories only as a tool for entertainment, not for teaching, we lose out on their valuable lessons. Alas,what a waste of opportunity! For carefully have I chosen my weapon – which accompany me in all my endeavors; on my neck, but specially on my website as my logo. Certainly, and for those who know me by now, the hammer has to mean more than just a hammer? Nothing is without meaning. Nothing is without purpose. Otherwise, what is the reason for being a mystic? Openly the Ancient of Days have concealed the meaning, and in secret I will reveal it openly to you. But, in the aggregate, are you worthy to hold the hammer and wield its powers?

As with all occult knowledge, the meaning of the hammer, is hidden while being revealed. First of all, it is important to understand the dual nature of the hammer, which alone, reveals the importance of this symbolism in the Nordic culture. If your understanding has matured at this point, you would know by now that reality itself is of a dual nature- the good and the bad, the right and the wrong,the above and the below, the right and the left, the cold and the heat, and others. You get the idea. This idea itself is supported by the notion that there is in factual reality the existence of absolute Truth. A notion that for many modern-day so-called “thinkers” is an unacceptable variable. Let’s just say, for the sake of simplicity, that Truth really means facts. With this explanation, I hope the “non-believers”, have now become the “new converts”.

Only by understanding the existence of absolute Truth, one can come to grasp the true meaning of the dual nature of reality and “wield the same power as the thunder god”. Otherwise, the hammer will be too heavy. In other words, truth for you will be subjective and, as a result, your suffering in life is guaranteed. To speak even more plainly, Truth can destroy you, or it can be used to build or bless you as described by Hilda in the above qoutation. Nonetheless, the magnus opus of absolute Truth, would be its ability to destroy harmful ideas and habits that keeps you enslaved, and replacing them with better and more loftier ones. With the words uttered in the previous sentence, have I revealed the secret of the Great Work. If you have eyes to see, then see; if you have ears to hear, then hear.

Thor, the god who wields the hammer, is the Norse or Germanic Aesir god. An Aesir god is a god of war. Hence, depicted in Hollywood always being a warrior. Do you have this warrior spirit? Do you fight for what is right with absolute Truth – the hammer, as your weapon? It is a weapon used to crush down the heads of giants. Lo and behold! Herein lies also the allegorical resemblance with the story of David and Goliath. Selah.

Thor, is a word derrived from the English word Thunder or Thursday. Both related to the planet, but also the Roman god Jupiter. Jupiter is the alchemic word combination of Jew and Pater (meaning Father). Question; who is the Father of the Jews? – Abraham or for the Norse – Odin or for the Greek - Zeus. They are all teachers or bringer of absolute Truth. In other words, they Judge based on the absolute Truth they convey. And so, yet again, the Wisdom of the Bard, our beloved Shakespeare, comes to our aid when he said in his work;

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”

The choice to choose Truth lies before you my Son. As for now, you are a vain, greedy, and cruel boy. Yet I cannot stop but feel that I am a fool to think you are ready. You have allowed this peaceful realm called earth to be flooded with evil and bloodshed. Innocent lives are experiencing the horror and desolation of war because of your inactions. That is because you lack bravery.

You are unworthy of your title, unworthy of the nine realms and unworthy of the loved ones you betrayed. You are unworthy Sons of Adamu! And now, I take from you your powers because of your inability and unwillingness to understand. I do this in the name of those brave ones that came before me, and that of the All Father.

Whosoever is willing to stop evil wholeheartedly, whosoever yearns for Truth, whosoever holds this hammer, Mjölnir, if he be worthy, will be the Thunder god, a True Son of Odin.”

So mote it be!

For the

world you might

be just an individual,

but for me, as one individual,

you are the world. We are One and

the same. Written with love. Peace Profound.

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