2022-06-14 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Dr Colleen Huber (NMD) (MP3)

Dr. Colleen Huber, NMD (Tempe, AZ) on harassment by the medical board since warning people about the dangers of vaccines/masks, seeking alt treatments; New Book: Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines.

Colleen Huber, NMD - ColleenHuber.com

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Colleen Huber NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona.  She was the Keynote Speaker at the 2015 Euro Cancer Summit.  https://cancer.global-summit.com/europe/2015/scientific-program.php?day=1&sid=571&date=2015-11-03 

Dr. Huber is President of the Naturopathic Cancer Society, https://NatOnco.org.  She is a Naturopathic Oncologist and Fellow of the Naturopathic Oncology Research Institute.  https://www.NaturopathicStandards.org.  She authored the largest and longest study in medical history on sugar intake in cancer patients in 2014. https://natureworksbest.com/sugar-cancer-study/  Her other writing includes her books Choose Your Foods Like Your Life Depends on Them,  Manifesto for a Cancer Patient, and The Defeat Of COVID.  Dr. Huber has been featured in the books America's Best Cancer Doctors and Defeat Cancer.  Her academic writing has appeared in The Lancet and Cancer Strategies Journal, and other medical journals.  Her research interests have been in nutrition and the use of therapeutic approaches targeting metabolic aspects of cancer.  Since the spring of 2020, Dr. Huber's research interests have focused on the health hazards of masks and lockdowns.  Most of these peer-reviewed articles are in Primary Doctor Medical Journal at https://PDMJ.org.

Colleen's previous interviews HERE


1.  Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines Paperback – May 14, 2022

Governments in Europe and North America have released data on COVID vaccines' effects on people who took them. Screenshots of those pages back up the material in this book.

Are the COVID vaccines safe?

Do they meet the Bradford Hill causation criteria regarding reported health events following the vaccines?
What happened in the Pfizer study?
What happened in the animal studies?
Colleen Huber, NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and medical expert witness in court cases related to vaccine safety concerns and events. To prepare testimony for court cases, Dr. Huber cites and compiles vital statistics and other data from governments around the US and the world, as well as data from vaccine manufacturers.
Be sure you have all of the available and pertinent information on the COVID vaccines before your final decision is made.