2022-06-10 -- Ernest interviews Benny Wills (Actor, Poet, Presenter) on 'Meme Monday' (MP3&4)

Benny Wills comes on the show for an update on current events and 'MEME MONDAY'

Benny Wills

Benny Wills is an award winning actor, poet and presenter, co-creator of the "Conscious Comedy" YouTube channel JoyCamp. And now PARRHESIA. He has devoted himself to living with purpose, being of service, and hastening the awakening this world so desperately needs. https://bennywills.com/. Benny's previous interviews with Ernest HERE

1. MEME MONDAY - https://www.youtube.com/c/BennyWills/videos

Most recent 'memes':

2. PARRHESIA: Master the Art of Communication - https://productions.bennywills.com/

This immersive, hands-on training will empower you to unlock your voice and free your speech

Shatter your fear of speaking and be somebody the audience remembers.

"Parrhesia" is freedom of speech - Deliver with confidence whether you're on stage or at the dinner table.

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STANDARD - $399 - 9 Lessons - Live Weekly Q&A - Special Guest Presentations 

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