MEMENTO VIVERE Episode 11 [April 2022]

Last week we talked about freedom, the positive aspect of the 4th expression of Natural Law. We can understand freedom, once we understand our sovereignty. The negative aspect of the fourth expression of Natural Law is external control, or slavery. This is what happens in society when we are confused within ourselves. Today we will discover the fifth and last expression of Natural Law: what we manifest.

What we manifest is the result we will get after following, and of course applying in our lives, the positive or the negative aspects of the different expressions of Natural Law. This is what we create according to our own actions and behaviour.

When we use Love (Consciousness) to create, when we seek Knowledge and accept Truth, when we understand that we are sovereign beings, then we can move towards true Freedom and create Order. Order is when the result we manifest is good. Good can be manifested when we take actions in harmony with Natural Law and when balance and justice are present around us. We need to start with Love, then Knowledge, Sovereignty, Freedom, to create ORDER.

When we use Fear to create, when we refuse Truth and choose to stay ignorant, we become confused within ourselves and leave space for slavery, for external control. When we follow all the negative aspects of the different expressions of Natural Law, we create CHAOS. Chaos is when the result we manifest is evil. It happens when we act in disharmony with Natural Law, when there is imbalance and injustice around us. Evil is the result of Fear, Ignorance, Confusion and External Control.

Love creates Good. Fear creates Evil. We need to make it with ourselves if what we want to create is order or chaos, good or evil. Then it's very simple, and you have the key in your hands...

See you next week and remember to live.
