The most exciting era in all of human history…. Happening Now!

In cities and counties everywhere people are being forced to make hard decisions.  Questioning what is right and what is wrong.  

Are you one of the confused?

Or do you feel clear about what is going on, and why?

Those of us that have put much time and effort in to trying to understand the complex puzzle that we call modern society know that it is  a complex Gregorian Knot that can “knot” be easily untied.

Part of the problem is all of our life experiences, the lens that we look at reality through, based on our own traumas.  

The other part is the very real indoctrination that occurs through school and politics and media to train people to be obedient “citizens”

Theres more parts of the problem too.  

Most of this seems out of reach, out of our control.

But we do have our words and our mouths and our voice.  Those three things have been the MOST powerful things that changed human history.  

Now is our opportunity to be the Voices of Time, The Prophets Of The Modern Age, The Heretics Of The Apocalypse!!

Great Talk With My Man John…..

Check it out here, download the audio or watch the video.