The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 01.01. The King of the Wood

by: A. W. Finnegan

This is a series of lectures and studies on the classic literary work, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, by: Sir James G. Frazer (1890), with my own further personal discussion, interpretation, and emphasis on statism, religion, and Natural Law

Study Course Lecture 01.01 -  Book 01. Chapter 01 The King of the Wood 

Lectures by: A. W. Finnegan

The Sacred Grove of Diana at Lake Nemi was the site of a recurring violent tragedy that put dark undercurrents of fear and terror through the otherwise peaceful,  inherently beautiful grove at the serene  Lake which the Rex Nemorensis  priesthood proceeded in succession with rites of murder and bloodshed.

The question remains:  Why and for what purpose?

...legends that traced their spilt blood  to fables containing a deeper philosophy  of the relation between the life of  man to the life of nature, a sad philosophy  which gave birth to tragic practice.  

[with further discussion on Natural  Law under the direction of religion and statism]

credits: Article, presentation, video & editing by - A. W. Finnegan © Sol Invictus 2020 ~108/54~

To follow this series in correct sequence, the order is as follows (additional links will be added as new videos come forth):

Video 00: Introductory Remarks and Overview

Video 01: Book 01. Chapter 01: The King of the Wood

Video 02: Book 01. Chapter 02: Priestly Kings