Invasive Immunization: BARDA, Vectored Vaccines, Oxitec Mosquitoes, & Morgellon's Disease Origins
By: A. W. Finnegan
I write this article to call attention to some very disturbing revelations regarding the practice of non-consensual testing and mass-immunizations through aerogenic and other invasive vectored vaccines on the public without their knowledge or consent. In my research on biological weapons and vaccinology, aerogenic vaccination and vectored vaccines are a field of research I've come across many times. It was developed early on, sprayed as a mist, used in the poultry industry with an earlier coronavirus, avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), and the avian influenza variant, Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). [1]

Later the Soviet Union began to use it with smallpox and anthrax, among other agents. [2] The Soviet Union is alleged to have mass-immunized their population by this route against smallpox in the 1970s. [3] By the 1990's, the United States began to develop biotechnology that would deliver immunizations and antibodies in an invasive manner; it would be dispersed in water droplets, absorbs through tissue like skin, tendon, cartilage, and bone. (see picture for diagram[4] This is very likely to be the cause of the mysterious Morgellon's Disease, [5] a form of biotechnology, structured on the earlier studies of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) as a model for recombinant DNA and a nanotechnology form of biotechnology. [6] [7] [8] [9]
The drug firms and public health are aware of the fact that vaccines have become a very unpopular and unwanted element of life in Western countries. [10] Both know that very few want or plan to get the coronavirus vaccine, [11] they know how much resistance they will meet if they try to force immunizations on its citizens overtly, who see vaccines as a danger and threat to health, and for very good reason. [12] It is in this atmosphere that I believe aerogenic vaccines will be the decided route of delivery when the truth about the wear-and-tear or outright injuries vaccines are having on our bodies, keeps growing like it has been. If it has not already been taking place, it is at least on the table of discussion for public health authorities like BARDA, the biodefense arm of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created under Project Bioshield, a joint government-drug firm venture discussed in a 2014 Marketplace article, BARDA: The venture capital firm buried in the U.S. government. [13] Project Bioshield was the biodefense program started and maintained following the Patriot Act, signed into law in 2004 by President George W. Bush. [14]
Invasive Biotechnology & Vectored Vaccines : Production of Adverse Events in Nanotechnological Failure as the Origins of Morgellon's Disease
In the last decade or more, there have been reports of strange skin conditions accompanied by pronounced Lyme-like symptoms, with unusual presentations. The skin conditions and illnesses were unique in that there appeared to be strange multi-toned hair-like fibers that coil out from a single protrusion or skin lesion. [15] At first, it sounded sensational or something out of a science fiction novel, and it appears that, like all things within biological weapons and sensitive topics within this realm a certain amount of disinformation is always incorporated into the overall truth of the topic to obscure and sideline researchers with subterfuge. [16]

Public health agencies and medical professionals launched an investigation into the condition, [17] based on studies by the non-profit NGO, Kaiser-Permanente of Northern California (KPNC), and concluded they had a real skin condition, but said the participants in the study did not actually have any relation to what people termed as ”Morgellon’s Disease (MD),” which they concluded was a separate, psychosomatic illness or delusion, [18] which they sometimes refer to as somatoform1, or somatization. [19] While the source or etiological agent involved is largely unknown, the thread-like, fibrous expression and condition itself, however, is real, as this author has seen pictures from extended family, and many people today may know at least one person who has it, or several people that have seen it first-hand, and these are not pieces of clothing or cotton, as the study suggested.
When the mystery illness appeared in the early 2000’s, the Carnicom Institute, established itself as a non-profit in 2008 and sought to study these types of strange anomalies found in the environment and human health, putting together a very informative website and study the unusual material found, especially in cases of Morgellon’s disease. [20] As for the public health system, bogus investigations into the condition by NIH and NIAID were conducted, by the same special interest groups involved in the Lyme disease coverup, now “investigating” Morgellons. However, according to the Carnicom Institute, and several other credible scientists and organizations, much of these fibers have been isolated and characterized, documented, discussed in publications, and certainly have not been claimed as pieces of clothing or debris, as the public health agencies would have us believe. [21]
Furthermore, it can be shown that the same concepts have already been employed and produced in the contemporary field of biotechnology, with recombinant DNA’s earliest model- the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), based on the structure of TMV, creating small networks of metal nanowires and nanotubes modeled or structured after TMV. Some of the research can be seen in published journals on PubMed such as Electroless synthesis of 3 nm wide alloy nanowires inside Tobacco mosaic virus, [22] Cooperative colloidal self-assembly of metal-protein superlattice wires, [23] Biotemplating rod-like viruses for the synthesis of copper nanorods and nanowires, [24] Nanowires and Nanoparticle Chains Inside Tubular Viral Templates, [25] Interactions Between Plant Viral Nanoparticles (VNPs) and Blood Plasma Proteins, and Their Impact on the VNP In Vivo Fates, [26] detailing out and describing something very similar to the thread-like structures seen in Morgellon’s Disease.

As far as the course of disease in the condition, documents have only revealed the “cover” or potentially benign use of the equation. It appears to be the adverse reaction to these invasive vectored vacines, delivered, absorbing into the body producing adverse effects and exiting back out. The technology is reminiscent of the early NIH, NIAID, and USDA’s reports on Spiroplasma which they were assessing to be utilized to vector genes or recombinant DNA. [27] What would be the purpose of such technology and for what purpose? Earlier attacks and endless spread of infectious agents from after the War and throughout the cancer program, may hold the answer. [28]

Declassified DARPA documents "Medical Countermeasures"
DARPA had several programs citing technology going back to the late 90’s that employs biotechnological delivery systems for treatments, therapeutics, and vaccines, remotely, in other words, without our consent or knowing, except when people see it coming out of them, and of course, or when documents reveal it, not to mention, medical journals and defense contracts. From a program report declassified in 1997, DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Review, they were working on unconventional pathogen medical countermeasures, in project names Decoy & Destruction: Red Blood Cell Pathogen Defense, and Osiris: Sequential Auto-Vaccination by Stem Cells, to create these delivery systems to vector genes and biopharmaceuticals, and the basic idea was to use Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and monoclonal antibodies from red blood cells (RBCs) which would be have to be dispersed in the environment if they wanted to keep people ignorant of it, absorbed through the skin and then penetrate into bone, cartilage, muscle, stroma, tendon, and fat. [29] This would be legally covered under their medical countermeasures bill under 42 U.S. Code § 247d–7e - Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, [30]

DARPA would be working with BARDA, the biodefense arm of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in coordination with several foreign pharmaceutical firms. [31] In the mid-to-late 90’s they were working on the Red Blood Cell Pathogen Defense – Decoy and Destruction programs, using erythrocytes as monoclonal antibodies designed to "eliminate" diseases as a therapeutic treatment, and an additional program for ”sequential auto vaccination by stem cells” for immunization. [32] If they released this into the environment, under the guise of invasive biodefense prophylactics, to "treat" a perceived threat or problem without anyone’s knowledge or consent, they were outdoing themselves compared to the old days of simulant tests, as a run of the post-911 expanded biodefense program under Project Bioshield, the Bush, Jr. and Cheney-era mass vaccination program. [33]
It appears to be another case of the solution becoming the problem. Vaccines for diseases that cannot be adequately vaccinated against, such as smallpox, anthrax, FMD, Lyme disease, and so many others, are more damaging than protective, yet the course is slower, and one could argue that a quick death is better than a painful, slow death. Not to mention, how does one keep something of that nature sterile? There have already been hints at the suggestive testing on populations as a moral question. [34] How does the mass release of human blood cells not promote Mycoplasma, Aspergillus and Candida to thrive? We may already be seeing the effects in hospitals around the country, with the rise of a deadly invasive fungus, Candida auris, spreading and colonizing hospitals, as noted in a 2019 Patch Article, Deadly Superbug Candida Auris Reaches Massachusetts, which also hit many of the same states presenting with large numbers of coronavirus deaths, such as Florida, Texas, California, and many more. [35]
What kinds of pathogens would this biotechnology be picking up on the way to their civilian subjects? Does this auto-vaccination require the use of biological toxins which should not be given to the immunocompromised? [36] We are back to, once again, non-consensual invasive field experiments, that have obviously been green-lighted at some capacity, as the news outlet, The Guardian, has recently reported “It's Raining Plastic: Microscopic Fibers Fall from the Sky in Rocky Mountains,” indicating the invasive plastic material being dispersed and found in rain throughout the environment, mirroring in striking comparison, the same threads seen in the Morgellon's Mystery Disease. [37] With the so-called benign side of this DARPA and BARDA technology, which is always used as a cover by weapons developers, what types of these technologies are being used as a weapon for more devious biological agents unleashed on the world under the cover of benign activities? Not to mention, the Morgellon's Disease would be, in its essence, an adverse reaction to an invasive immunization that was forced on civilians without their knowledge or consent. [38]

compare to:

Researchers later found these fibers in lipoproteins or concurrent Mycoplasma and Borrelia burgdoferi, which some term “biofilms”. [39] Clearly, they were seeing the so-called "biotherapeutic" attempt to absorb the OspA-like blebs in the fibrous material from Morgellons fibers, and according to the program described in the aforementioned DARPA documents, it would be expected that these fibers would have been found with the spirochete blebs or lipoproteins, if this attempt at infectious intervention had been deployed. Yet, sabotage operations could have been easily overlapped into the therapeutic regimen involved in this development of sera and vaccine technologies, especially when portions of the research was coming from Cold Spring Harbor and New York Medical College (NYMC) at Stony Brook. [40] Like the earlier simulant tests, the solution and preparedness of biodefense becomes the simultaneous channel for attack. Alexander Kouzminov, an ex-KGB from the Russian Federation, revealed in his memoir, Biological Espionage: Special Operations of the Soviet and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services in the West, that vaccines and other channels had become the targets of foreign Intelligence black operations for sabotage, including biotechnology:
In the memorandum one continually met the phrases 'The Instance', 'Day X', and 'direct actions'. By The Instance' was meant the Politburo the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. After disintegration of the Soviet Union, 'The Instance' came to mean the 'President of Russia and his Presidential Council'. The formula 'Day X' meant the beginning of a large-scale war against the West. 'Direct actions' implied acts of biological sabotage and terrorism against the civilians, the army, and the economy of a potential enemy. 'The potential strike targets' meant civil targets, including public drinking-water supplies, food stores, and processing plants; water-purification systems, vaccine, drug, and toxin repositories; and pharmaceutical and biotechnological plants. [41]
Insect-Vectored Vaccines: Oxitec's Wolbachia Mosquitoes as Invasive Countermeasures
More invasive unconventional vaccine deliveries may be found in the genetically modified Oxitec mosquitoes being released all over the country, with the numbers at 750 million mosquitoes. [42] The Telegraph reported back in 2010, Genetically modified mosquitos could be used to spread vaccine for malaria: A genetically engineered mosquito that vaccinates as it bites has been developed by scientists. [43] Oxitec’s genetically engineered Aedes aegyptii mosquitoes have been released all over the United States from around 2016 to the present, hoping to combat West Nile Virus and Zika, using Wolbachia pipentis ZAP strain, with the idea that the bacteria will mutate the reproductive system of mosquitoes to only produce males that don’t bite, and thus, in theory, they will breed themselves out. [44] This is a most absurd rationale, and as we have seen, the Aedes aegyptii carries many of the awful diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, West-Nile Virus, and so on. [45]

Not to mention, that malaria has been spreading twice as fast as the so-called measles epidemic, but there is no coverage on malaria by the media. CDC statistics show that in 2019, malaria is on the rise, [46] Lyme disease has reached epic proportions, along with all the co-infecting tick-borne diseases, [47] vastly underdiagnosed or reported, frequently misdiagnosed as a syndrome along with the handful or other health problems. Since Wolbachia is a rickettsial symbiont, or strengthening infections of Rickettsia and parasites like filarial nematodes, so those sick with tickborne infections will have an even harder time ridding themselves of the infectious burden. [48]
The EPA green-lighted the release of hundreds of thousands of Oxitec mosquitoes every week at locations all across the United States for the warmer months, as Wired reported in 2017, A California City Is Fending Off Zika by Releasing 40,000 Mosquitoes Every Week. [49] The problem, however, is that the mosquitoes did not seem to breed themselves out, but just started mating with the Aedes albopictus species instead. [50] Dozens of states were part of the release program, which means the United States is potentially going to have a massive Aedes aegyptii mosquito and mosquito-borne disease problem with nasty infections like dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, as well as filarial nematodes, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, while malaria rates have already been steadily climbing in the United States. [51]
The Oxitec mosquitoes, genetically engineered mosquitoes infected by Wolbachia pipentis, act in synergy with tick-borne co-infections and parasitic diseases like filarial nematodes, and while they attempted to prevent the spread of West-Nile Virus (WNV), other research suggests it actually enhances WNV in other mosquito species. [52] In 2019, a Newsweek article, "Plan to Crush Native Mosquito Population With Gene-Edited Strain Fails—May Have Made Them Stronger Instead" showing just how careless and outright reckless these experiments are:
“Even the best laid plans can go awry—and one public health initiative in Brazil is a case in point. The project in question involved releasing an army of gene-edited mosquitoes into the wild in order to stop the spread of vector-borne diseases, from yellow fever and dengue to the Zika virus. But instead of depleting the population, the experiment may have made the mosquitoes even stronger....
...Theoretically—and if things had gone to plan—levels of disease-carrying mosquitoes in the area should have plummeted afterwards. This was not the case.” [53]
The recklessness of this experiment is astonishing, considering the disastrous results that have plagued the simulant testing program, not to mention the additional fact that these are mosquitoes known to carry Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, and the Equine Encephalitis viruses. At one point, they were considering using Spiroplasma in place of the Wolbachia, where the University of California ran, as far as we know, limited experiments with Spiroplasma, [54] even as the potential connection between Spiroplasma and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) was brought up in earlier congressional hearings. [55] Most of the earlier tests taking place around Georgia and Florida in the 50s and 60s were done using the Aedes aegypti mosquito. [56]
Present day tests are going with the idea that the mosquitoes will breed themselves out due to the infertility inflicted on them by the Wolbachia or Spiroplasma, but it was also found that the mosquitoes began mating with other species of Aedes mosquitoes, such as Aedes albopictus. [57] This was already demonstrated to occur from as far back as 1949, when the University of Kansas and the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation published the results in Experiments in Crossing the Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linneus and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Skuse. [58] The EPA then included the Aedes albopictus into the Wolbachia-enhanced mosquito program the following year in 2017. [59]
This being yet another example of how large-scale experiments turn catastrophic, with a likely emergence of newer mosquito hybrids, carrying more devious diseases than before, when they already had the evidence this was a likelihood. Evidence now shows invasive, highly problematic growth of both mosquitoes, around the United States, for example, California now has a serious mosquito problem on their hands, [60] yet here they are going even further into the shit abyss, with the planned release of 750 million mosquitoes in the United States in 2020. [61]

The deeper mechanism of sterilizing the mosquito with Wolbachia had a viral component, from a fusion protein tTA (transcriptional Tetracycline Activation), described by an NGO for plasmid research, as plasmid material from herpes-simplex virus fused with other material:
”To use tetracycline as a regulator of gene expression, a tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA) was developed. tTA was created by fusing tetR with the C-terminal domain of VP16 (virion protein 16), an essential transcriptional activation domain from HSV (herpes simplex virus).” [62]
The modern-day insect control with Wolbachia-infected sterile male mosquitoes used for insect control, as the so-called “harmless” endosymbiont, Wolbachia pipientis, contained a hypervariable prophage or provirus “WO” found in many of the Wolbachia strains, with many additional proviruses and phage. It was revealed in a paper on the transgenic mosquitoes, that the engineered strain, by Oxitec, a research innovation firm out of Oxford University, contained the tTA protein, and the WO phage, may have been the herpes-simplex protein vectored with baculovirus, sometimes called baculophage. [63]
The herpes-simplex protein expressed through baculovirus destroyed the male reproductive system in the mosquitoes, yet herpes-simplex could also be found in male-reproductive systems in sterile humans. [64] [65] This would suggest that the mosquitoes being used as so-called vaccines for various diseases, such as dengue and Zika, may have the additional ability to potentially sterilize humans and other living things. In fact, it may explain the low birth rates being reported by USA Today in 2019, Why the US Birthrate Hitting a 32-Year Low Could Become a Big Problem. [66] In the early 1990’s, scientists used baculovirus to vector herpes-simplex proteins in experimental vaccines for feline leukemia virus, [67] as well as herpes-simplex virus in mice. [68]
The press has already admitted that the experiment not only failed, but made the mosquito problem much stronger, [69] and one thing is for sure, they can be expected to be much less benign with the addition of promoter plasmids of viruses like cytomegalovirus or herpes-simplex (protein tTA), [70] fused with components like the hypervariable baculovirus phage, [71] [72] indicating that infertility may reach beyond just the mosquitoes, but humans as well, with the addition of cancer. [73] They claim no harm can be done to humans since the Wolbachia bacterium is allegedly not transmitted to humans by the mosquito. However, the hypervariable WO phage may transmit herpes-simplex antigens with ease to other arthropods, [74] and should this phage be transmitted to humans, the presence of promoter plasmids of herpes-simplex could have an affinity for the male reproductive system in human hosts, [75] potentially mediating male infertility in the same manner as herpes-simplex, [76] and thus, low birth rates for the human population.

In light of these technologies, this was likely the reason that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was assessing the environmental effect of releasing pathogenic material in the environment, in a FDA report from March 2015, Determining the Need for and Content of Environmental Assessments for Gene Therapies, Vectored Vaccines, and Related Recombinant Viral or Microbial Products [77] They are taking it upon themselves to use civilians as guinea pigs in a large-scale, reckless experiment releasing pathogenic material all over the environment.
Human beings were born with inalienable rights that supersede those of the imposed laws of tyrants. It is our right to have dominion over our own health and what goes into our body. Without this choice, there is nothing. Freedom is gone without a most essential choice of this magnitude, it is nothing short of rape to impose invasive elements against other human beings, an act no one has the right to do to another being. Public health agencies have become increasingly more corrupt as the years have mounted. Drug firms have influenced it and compromised it to such an extent, that its reckless approaches have overstepped their boundaries far too many times, and it is this pattern of behavior that needs to be considered when it comes to understanding where we are at today. The road to Hell can oftentimes be paved with the best of intentions, but that is not a reason to condone it or tolerate its progressive degeneration of moral responsibility. We have a responsibility to stand up to tyranny and demonstrate our inalienable rights are non-negotiable.
Sources & Endnotes
[1] Dunlop, W. R., & Strout, R. G. (1955, January 01). Station bulletin : New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station : "Avian Mass Immunization for Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease". Retrieved October 11, 2020, from
[2] DTIC ADA360916: Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal (Military Medical Journal), 8, 1959. : Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). (1960, May 25). Retrieved October 11, 2020, from
[3] According to a source of mine. I have read this as well but as of yet cannot recall the specific source. When this is found, will include here. However, Raymond A. Zilinskas and Milton Leitenberg have discussed this in their voluminous work on the SOviet Biological Weapons Program. See: Leitenberg, Milton, et al. The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: a History. Harvard University Press, 2012., pp. 114-116
[4] DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified), DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified) § (n.d.) Retrieved from:
[5] Firger, Jessica. “Joni Mitchell and the Mystery of Morgellons Disease.” CBS News. CBS Interactive, April 2, 2015.
[6] example: Zhou, Jing C, et al. “Biotemplating Rod-like Viruses for the Synthesis of Copper Nanorods and Nanowires.” Journal of Nanobiotechnology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2012, p. 18., doi:10.1186/1477-3155-10-18.
[7] example: Liljeström, Ville, Ari Ora, Jukka Hassinen, Heikki T Rekola, Nonappa, Maria Heilala, Ville Hynninen, et al. “Cooperative Colloidal Self-Assembly of Metal-Protein Superlattice Wires.” Nature communications. Nature Publishing Group UK, September 22, 2017.
[8] example: Zhou, Kun, and Qiangbin Wang. “Nanowires and Nanoparticle Chains Inside Tubular Viral Templates.” Methods in Molecular Biology Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies, 2018, pp. 215–227., doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_14.
[9] example: Pitek, Andrzej S., et al. “Interactions Between Plant Viral Nanoparticles (VNPs) and Blood Plasma Proteins, and Their Impact on the VNP In Vivo Fates.” Methods in Molecular Biology Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies, 2018, pp. 591–608., doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_38.
[10] World Health Organization (WHO). (2015, August). Vaccine hesitancy: A growing challenge for immunization programmes. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from
[11] The American Pharmacists Association (APhA). (2020, August 28). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is a growing concern for researchers, health officials. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from
[12] See: Finnegan, A. W., Tainted Immunity: Post-Vaccinal Encaphalitis and the Chronic Plague of Societal Degeneration. The Garden of Great Work. Sept. 23, 2020.
[13] Gorenstein, Dan. “BARDA: The Venture Capital Firm Buried in the U.S. Government.” Marketplace, April 26, 2019.
[14] TOPN: Project BioShield Act of 2004. Cornell Law School (Legal Information Institute). (2004). Retrieved October 11, 2020, from
[15] Firger, Jessica. “Joni Mitchell and the Mystery of Morgellons Disease.” CBS News. CBS Interactive, April 2, 2015.
[16] subterfuge: noun sub· ter· fuge | ˈsəb-tər-ˌfyüj Definition of subterfuge: 1 : deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade, 2 : a deceptive device or stratagem
[17] Marris, E. (2006). Mysterious “Morgellons disease” prompts US investigation. Nature Medicine, 12(9), 982–982. doi:10.1038/nm0906-982a
[18] Pearson, Michele L., Joseph V. Selby, Kenneth A. Katz, Virginia Cantrell, Christopher R. Braden, Monica E. Parise, Christopher D. Paddock, et al. “Clinical, Epidemiologic, Histopathologic and Molecular Features of an Unexplained Dermopathy.” PLoS ONE 7, no. 1 (2012).
[19] Kellner, R. “Psychosomatic Syndromes, Somatization and Somatoform Disorders.” Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1994.
[20] “Welcome to Carnicom Institute.” Carnicom Institute. Carnicom Institute , n.d.
[21] Clifford. “Carnicom Institute: Research.” Carnicom Institute, October 6, 2017.
[22] Balci S, Hahn K, Kopold P, Kadri A, Wege C, Kern K, Bittner AM. Electroless synthesis of 3 nm wide alloy nanowires inside Tobacco mosaic virus. Nanotechnology. 2012 Feb 3;23(4):045603. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/23/4/045603. Epub 2012 Jan 4. PMID: 22214553.
[23] Liljeström, Ville, Ari Ora, Jukka Hassinen, Heikki T Rekola, Nonappa, Maria Heilala, Ville Hynninen, et al. “Cooperative Colloidal Self-Assembly of Metal-Protein Superlattice Wires.” Nature communications. Nature Publishing Group UK, September 22, 2017.
[24] Zhou, Jing C, et al. “Biotemplating Rod-like Viruses for the Synthesis of Copper Nanorods and Nanowires.” Journal of Nanobiotechnology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2012, p. 18., doi:10.1186/1477-3155-10-18.
[25] Zhou, Kun, and Qiangbin Wang. “Nanowires and Nanoparticle Chains Inside Tubular Viral Templates.” Methods in Molecular Biology Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies, 2018, pp. 215–227., doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_14.
[26] Pitek, Andrzej S., et al. “Interactions Between Plant Viral Nanoparticles (VNPs) and Blood Plasma Proteins, and Their Impact on the VNP In Vivo Fates.” Methods in Molecular Biology Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies, 2018, pp. 591–608., doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_38.
[27] “ARS Insect Neurobiology Workshop Report and 5-Year National Research Plan : United States. Agricultural Research Service.” Internet Archive, 1 Jan. 1993,
[28] “DTIC AD0611769: POSTATTACK SANITATION WASTE DISPOSAL, PEST AND VECTOR CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES : Defense Technical Information Center.” Internet Archive, 1 Feb. 1965,
[29] Alexander, Jane A. DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified), DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified) § (n.d.)
[30] “42 U.S. Code § 247d–7e - Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.” Legal Information Institute. Legal Information Institute, n.d.–7e
[31] Gorenstein, Dan. “BARDA: The Venture Capital Firm Buried in the U.S. Government.” Marketplace, April 26, 2019.
[32] DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified), DARPA Biological Warfare Defense: Program Overview (Declassified) § (n.d.) Retrieved from:
[33] White House. “President Bush Signs Project Bioshield Act of 2004 .” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, 21 July 2004,
[34] Gibbs, W. W. (2004). An Uncertain Defense: How do you Test That a Human Ebola Vaccine Works? You Don’t. Scientific American, 291(4), 20–24. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1004-20
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[37] Singh, Maanvi. “It's Raining Plastic: Microscopic Fibers Fall from the Sky in Rocky Mountains.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, August 13, 2019.
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