Natural Freedom League Ep. 28

Season Of Sovereignty

As we enter into the Season of Life, beginning with the Vernal Equinox (Spring) and continuing through Summer, Natural Freedom League is officially reclaiming and celebrating this time as the Season of Sovereignty, as Life is not truly being Lived unless we are Free from the illegitimate rule of others.

We claim our innate ability to rule ourselves by using Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom (the Trivium) in order to discover and come onto alignment with objective truth and morality, also known as Natural Law.

In this time period, we have a variety of public educational outreaches planned and we are providing detailed information as to how we conduct our events in order for others to organize their own events.


The Intention of Natural Freedom League is to expand the understanding of Natural Law, which is based on objective morality, and to expose the illegitimacy of the belief in authority and thus the inherent immorality of ALL governments.