"You are NOT responsible for your traumas, You ARE responsible for your healing."

Be Forgiveness-
Helping people gain a deeper understanding of Forgiveness and the importance of its role as a tool for mental, emotional and Spiritual Freedom. "Only through removing the fear conditioned in our mind, can we fully open ourselves up to the truth written in our heart. One potent way of removing fear is to identify and forgive all aspects of our darkness..........EVERY. LAST. PIECE. OF. DARKNESS. Within and without. Forgive yourself for being human and having darkness to forgive. For every negative experience you've had and every negative thing you've done. This is a lifelong practice and study, forgive yourself for not being able to snap your fingers and complete the process. Be gentle on yourself. You see, our darkness is the subconscious (and sometimes conscious) source of fear that blocks us from truth. From sovereignty and true freedom. And when we forgive those aspects of darkness, we make them conscious. We transmute them into light. We Love them. When we learn to love something that was once a source of fear, it isn't scary anymore. It is in this moment when it becomes a teacher instead of a monster. Forgiving does not mean accepting immoral behaviors as right, but rather coming to terms with our inability to change the past, and refusing to poison ourselves further with hatred or resentment. We don't grow, heal and evolve out of hatred, nor do others heal from our hatred or their own. We can recognize a wrongdoing and objectively immoral behavior as such, knowing that our forgiveness of the imperfect human will never make that action right, while claiming the lesson and vowing to eliminate or thwart that behavior from further occurring. Thus is the art of balancing forgiveness and moral accountability. Do this. Make it an integral part of your process, and watch your suffering dramatically decrease and your mental and emotional freedom dramatically increase."
-Chad Hargrove (Shadical Hourgrave) Be Forgiveness