Who but... (Part 2)

Now that our reasoning has been laid out as to why us young adults are the ones that need to carry the torch and lead in the only fight that matters.  In Who but… (Part 1) I laid the foundation of where we find ourselves now day 403 of totalitarian USSA.  We are now being depended upon to inspire the rest of society.  We are the only ones holding us and the world back at this point in time.  This line in the sand must be drawn by someone.  Who but…us?

As mentioned in Part 1 we must first start off by doing the little things.  Reconnect with your friends, gather with strangers at house parties and bars if you can.  The majority of the conversation should be about the atrocities that have been carried out over the past year.  Educate and bounce observations and ideas off of each other and see where your closest group of friends is at and expand from there.  Create group chats solely dedicated to discussing these topics.  Sharing resources, stories, and ways to help can go a long way if done with enough consistency and fervor.  Call out all of the B.S. that you see going on around you in your immediate areas.  In most every state there are already established social media groups doing these types of things.  Get in touch with others through them and share the message and actions you are actively taking.  

We have a very unique advantage growing up in the time we did.  We are the ones who are the only masters of the internet and digital technologies on the planet.  Our parents can barely install an app.  Those below us are savvy but they are still stuck in the brainwashing educational system.  We must further master our digital know-how and implement our skills to their fullest.  Use the existing social media to its fullest.  Communicating on the dark web via encrypted channels if need be.  We know better than anyone that there are ways around everything.  The Last American Vagabond has gotten indefinitely suspended from YouTube for their content and different random supporters every week offer up their own personal YouTube accounts to act as a “pirate” stream just as a middle finger to the platform.  These are the types of tools that are unique to us and us alone.  We are the masters of them so let’s act like it.  They must play a vital role in this mission of freedom if we are to be successful.  

Now that we’ve covered what to do in your own personal groups on a connection and informational basis it’s time to discuss what we can do externally in the real world.  Before I get into that I want to share some top examples of people practicing what they preach.  Setting exemplary models are Tom Woods with his eBooks, public speeches and email newsletter, Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance, and Vin Armani who got on the last plane out of the continental US for Saipan before SHTF and is now educating the entire island about how to use bitcoin on a daily basis.  A notable favorite is James Corbett’s Solutions Watch series.  This list could go on for a good while but I’ll just give you a little push and leave these here to start.  Now, we have been massively dumbed down and driven into submission in many ways.  There are simple things to do to slowly break out of these horrid habits.  I had a coworker the other week tell me they felt weird and uncomfortable without a mask at a bar in Florida. This is exactly the opposite of what we want happening. It is not normal to wear a mask and we need to keep it that way. We must do away with the defeated and helpless mindset.  If you are uneasy or anxious walking into a place of business without a mask start by having one in your pocket and if confronted say “oh I forgot”, pull it out and put it on.  Always be extremely polite with a constant friendly smile on your face.  The next step after that is to leave your mask in your car and if confronted claim a medical condition exemption.  If pursued even further calmly ask who their closest competitor is and walk out the door.  Graduate to the next step after you have each one down pat and you’re comfortable, once again, to act like humans have for the past millennia.  Now it will at first become increasingly difficult as the number of places that will accept your business is most likely limited however, you will reach a point where everything will be figured out and established in your local area as to where you are accepted.  Then shopping and eating becomes effortless and the fresh breath of freedom will be constantly uplifting.  For the ultimate guide of navigating face mask wearing check out this book by Allan Stevo.  Setting up in-person meetings to discuss how successful everyone has been doing.  Possibly planning shopping together with others on a weekly basis.  Weekly calls with each other to pass notes and discuss new goals on how to peacefully refuse to comply.  Coordinate a day where everyone in the group posts the same things on social media to gain even more traction.  I recently joined a local Freedom Cell and met with local like-minded people to prepare our own counter-economic networks to completely cut out the state and large establishments who are on the wrong side of freedom.

I have drawn my line in the sand and then moved it further up the freedom ladder as my confidence grew.  I slowly implemented the different things I outlined above starting last July when things eked partially back open.  Now my line is that I refuse to wear a mask outside of my workplace (although even that is getting negligent as well).  I have a growing spreadsheet ranking businesses on a scale of one through four with four being a confirmed mask hassle free experience and one refusing my smiling face service.  Reach out to me and I’ll send you a copy.  I spent an hour one night last week calling different restaurants to ask if they would accept someone dining in without a mask.  All of these have been catalogued and now I have a better list of where and where not to go.  Also, voting with your dollar is one of the easiest and most free things you can do.  And you can do it every day.  I encourage you to draw your own line in the sand right now.  Really put some Deep Work in and think about all the different scenarios that could play out and how you feel about them.  Establish a line and stick to it.  You might be surprised how quickly and easily this can happen and how soon you might find your line moving up the freedom ladder just like mine did.  Again we aren’t talking about destroying property or causing violence rather promoting peaceful resistance and noncompliance to the system they are forcing upon us.  This can stop if someone wills it.  Who, but us?