The illusion of authority | MEMENTO VIVERE Episode 14

No one has the birth right to govern others, and to think that some people have this right, is to accept a master and slave relationship while the only master is within ourselves. To say that things should be this way, where some beings should govern others, is to lack courage, responsibility and imagination. It is also choosing to be ignorant and to stay ignorant. I would like to share this text about authority from the book "The End of All Evil" by Jeremy Locke.

"Authority There is no authority on earth that can rightfully govern your life. Born to this world, you and you alone control your eyes, your ears, your tongue, your hands and your mind. All authority which claims to be able to dispose of you and your abilities is deceit. You were born to this world so that you might have the free agency of life. Life is liberty. With liberty and faith in this world, you can learn and do anything. Anyone who tells you that you must yield your mind, your body, or your possessions to authority is evil. Understand that choices made of your own free will are not evil. There is nothing wrong with sacrifice, if it is made willingly. But sacrifice without choice is not sacrifice, it is slavery. Authority always places demands on people by force. Authority never asks permission."

If people cannot stop themselves from controlling others, they need to seriously take their responsibilities and deal with their own fears. Being a control freak, no matter the reason behind it, doesn't give the right or the permission to control others. Authority cannot be a solution. It is only an illusion. An illusion that leads to wrong actions, and wrong actions bring wrong results.

On the other hand, there are solutions that exist. We need to be courageous, responsible and use our imagination, if we want to find them. In the end, it's very simple. Govern and control yourself. Not others.

If you would like to know more about what solution we could explore and experiment, I'll see you next week in a new episode.

See you soon, and remember to live.
