One Task At A Time | MEMENTO VIVERE Episode 22

We previously talked about finding balance in difficult times, using our Will and Discipline. By being the guardian of our own mind, we saw that we can stay away from stressful situations we do not control, or at least learn how to navigate through them. By using honesty and objectivity, we can manage to achieve balance.

One thing that can help us is to keep our mind focused on one task at a time with clear daily tasks, while remaining disciplined in our actions to complete these small or big tasks.
Distractions can lead us to more stress and get us lost under a pile of todo lists. List only help if we can get something done. One item done on a list is an accomplishment and we should be happy for that. It’s ok to have things left to do for tomorrow. Even on a beautiful beach in the tropics we would get bored. We will always be searching for something to do and even better something we love to do. So, let’s do more of that whenever possible or at least plan a time to do it everyday. After some things are done we must balance by not doing the same things all day. We need diversity. We need to have times to be focused on a certain task but not all day on the same one. We can do different subjects in our day, take breaks, we can find the best time where we can focus to do the most important tasks. When we usually find our focus drifting, we can avoid doing any work and instead go to nature, take a walk, change our environment to refresh and do something different. Having something to do is not a bad thing, and sometimes it can be better than having nothing to do. Even when we think we are doing nothing, we are usually doing something. Indeed, very few people can actually do nothing. Practicing our awareness in everything we do will help us realize when we are being distracted and when those distractions do not allow us to properly do something or to properly rest.

It is important for our mental, emotional and physical health to take time to find balance in our life and there are many ways we can use to find it.
I just wanted to share some thoughts about balancing our life when it gets overwhelming or just very busy. It is not about doing nothing at all in our daily lives and watch things fall around us, it’s quite the opposite. When we keep pushing and do not give ourselves time to rest, mentally, emotionally and physically, we will often see results such as our body getting over tired and telling us to slow down or simply do nothing for a moment. This is Natural Law in effect, our actions have consequences. If we want right results, we will need to take right actions, even for ourselves. Well, actually, starting with ourselves is the key. As human beings, we need to recharge our energy in order to keep going, to keep moving, to do what we have to do. The common point in the end is to to be aware of what we think, feel and do, once again.

I’ll see you soon, and remember to live.