Finding Balance | MEMENTO VIVERE Episode 21

We know that we need to keep our thoughts, our emotions and our actions aligned in order to not be divided within ourselves. We need to keep them balanced. That’s what we talked about in the Memento Vivere episode 5. We actually saw that everything that exists began with a thought, the emotions are the internal expression of our conscience and actions are our interaction with the world. When we want to change things around us, we need to start with our thoughts, then our emotions and finally our actions. Now, let’s say that we have aligned and balanced our thoughts, emotions and actions but our environment and routine is challenging us. It is busy and stressful. How can we find or keep balance in this situation?

We can find ourselves to be balanced in situations where we have complete control over the environment, kind of work or situation in which we do what we do, however this can all change when the environment has to be shared with others or the situation involves others.

The world outside our own controllable situation can be hectic, busy, polluted, noisy, full of undesirable people and situations. What methods do we have to deal with being thrown into outside chaos or uncomfortable situations? There must be an inner work and an external method that must be followed using our Will and Discipline.

The first thing we must do is to become aware of our thoughts. What are we thinking in any particular moment? If we can do this practice regularly by simply observing our thoughts in the moment, we will begin to see what we think. We will see without bias by using observation. We can then begin to discern our thoughts and decide which thought we will keep in order to create. How do we judge our own thoughts, by what measure can we do this? As we mentioned before, we can use Natural Law: do our thoughts have the potential to lead us to possible harmful actions, transgressions of Natural Law ? Are they thoughts that hurt us and can lead us to do damage to ourselves or others? This process allows us to become the guardian of our own minds, to keep us aware of the troubles or dangerous places we could be taken. This method will allow us to stay focused and aware through the troubles of any busy, hectic and stressful situation that is thrown our way. If we can evaluate each situation in honesty and objectivity, one at a time, we will manage to achieve balance.

We will continue to talk more about finding balance in the next episode… See you soon an remember to live.